Presenting a magnificent residence that seamlessly blends style with nature. This 3500 square feet (325 square meters or 389 square yards) modern tropical haven is a testament to the harmonious coexistence of luxury and eco-conscious living.
Architectural Marvel:
The exterior of the residence boasts a unique and striking blend of materials, creating a visually appealing façade. A Basaltrock wall graces the right side of the elevation, offering a natural touch that complements the modern aesthetic. Red brick show walls add warmth and character to the structure, setting it apart in the neighborhood.
Car Porch Oasis:
Upon arrival, a spacious car porch awaits, capable of accommodating two cars comfortably. This area is not just a parking space; it's a green oasis with cascading plants adorning the top, creating a vibrant and inviting atmosphere.
Green Living:
Square Feet Details
Ground floor area : 2000 Sq.Ft.
First floor area : 1500 Sq.Ft.
Total floor area : 3500 Sq.Ft.
Bed : 4
Bath : 5
Courtyard : 2
Waterbody : 1
Porch : 1
Design style : Modern Tropical

Ground Floor
- Porch
- Sit out
- Waterbody
- Courtyard
- Foyer
- Living
- Family Living
- Double Height Cutout
- 2 Bed attached with Dressing
- Dining
- Prayer Room
- Patio
- Powder Room
- Kitchen
- Work Area
- Store
- 2 bed with Attached Dressing
- Upper living
- Study
- Balcony
- Open terrace

For more details of this home, contact (Home design in Calicut [Kozhikode])
Greenline Architects
Akkai Tower,1st Floor,Thali cross Road, Calicut
Mob:+91 8086139096,9846295201
Luxury Redefined: Step Inside a Green Haven - Your 3500 Sq.Ft. Escape to Tropical Elegance
Reviewed by Kerala Home Design
January 12, 2024

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