Sophisticated Simplicity: A Modern Contemporary 4-Bedroom House with Courtyards, Waterbody, and Home Theatre in 4300 Sq.Ft.
Introducing a modern contemporary style house architecture in an area of 4300 square feet (399 square meters) (478 square yards), this box-type house is an exemplary example of elegance and sophistication. The beige color painted house with plain glass windows gives a minimalistic yet luxurious look.
Square Feet Details
Ground floor area : 2900 Sq.Ft.
First floor area : 1400 Sq.Ft.
Total floor area : 4300 Sq.Ft.
Bed : 4 bedrooms
Bath : 5
Courtyard : 2
Waterbody : 1
Porch : 2
Design style : Modern

Ground floor
- Porch
- Sit out
- Courtyard
- Foyer
- Living
- Double Height Cutout
- 2 Bed attached with Dressing
- Dining
- Prayer Room
- Courtyard
- Patio 1
- Waterbody
- Common Wash, toilet
- Kitchen
- Work Area
- Maid Room
- 2 bed with Attached Dressing
- Upper living
- Home Theatre
- Balcony(2)

For more details of this home, contact (Home design in Calicut [Kozhikode])
Greenline Architects
Akkai Tower,1st Floor,Thali cross Road, Calicut
Mob:+91 8086139096,9846295201
Sophisticated Simplicity: A Modern Contemporary 4-Bedroom House with Courtyards, Waterbody, and Home Theatre in 4300 Sq.Ft.
Reviewed by Kerala Home Design
April 25, 2023

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