
Beautiful Sloping roof house Elevation - 2150 Sq. Ft.

200 Square Meter (2150 Sq.Ft) Kerala style Sloping roof house - October 2011
House Details
Total Built-up Area - 2152 Sq.ft
Ground Floor Area - 1554 Sq.ft
First Floor Area - 598 Sq. ft
  • Veranda
  • Sit out
  • Foyer
  • Formal living
  • Dining
  • Family Living
  • Private Sit out
  • 3 Bedrooms with attached Toilets
  • Kitchen
  • Work area
Other Designs by Antu Poulose

To know more about this beautiful home, contact
Designer:Antu Poulose
Bougain Villa Designers
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Mobile: +971.50.2284574, +971.50.6165573

Beautiful Sloping roof house Elevation - 2150 Sq. Ft. Beautiful Sloping roof house Elevation - 2150 Sq. Ft. Reviewed by Kerala Home Design on October 28, 2011 Rating: 5

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